When you upload a file on a web hosting server, it requires some storage space on the hdd dependent on its size. If you operate a script-driven site which saves its info in a database, it will take more disk space, the more people use it. For example, if you have a discussion forum, the greater amount of responses people write, the bigger the database shall get. Messages, in particular ones with attachments, also need some space in the site hosting account. The HDD space quota you get with any shared hosting supplier is the total amount of info you could have at any moment, and it consists of website files, e-mail messages and databases. Likewise, a home PC has a hard disk drive and the software programs installed on it as well as any documents and music files that you create or download require space, which can't exceed the overall capacity of your hard drive.

Disk Space in Shared Hosting

We have designed our Linux shared hosting with the idea that the disk storage should never be a setback for your websites. While many web hosting companies create accounts using one server, and as a matter of fact, the most common Control Panels are designed to function solely on this kind of platform, we have used a completely different strategy. We have groups of servers that manage each aspect of the hosting service, to ensure that your files will be stored on one cluster, your email on a different one,the databases using a third one, etc. With this cloud platform we accomplish two things - the hdd space is actually endless because we are able to link as many servers and hard disk drives to the clusters as required, and we increase the effectiveness of every single machine since just one type of processes will operate on it. This custom-made setup will help you improve your web sites as much as you'd like without worrying about running out of hard drive space.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Considering that all of our semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful, we have decided never to limit the disk space feature when we have designed them. Our idea is that when you use a powerful plan, it is likely that you've got a considerable amount of web data, for this reason each semi-dedicated server package provides you with limitless disk capacity, which will allow you to center on improving your websites and not having to worry whether you will fit within a quota. Your account will be made on a cloud web hosting system where the databases, files and emails use their own groups of servers, therefore not only will the machines perform better considering that only a single type of system processes will work on them, but in addition you will not ever need to worry for the hard disk space as we will add as many servers or hard disk drives to each and every cluster as required.

Disk Space in VPS Hosting

The hard disk space that we supply with our virtual private servers ranges depending on the package that you choose at the time you register. Having a more powerful server, you are able to effortlessly manage an array of web sites, meaning more content, thus the superior the VPS plan, the more hard disk storage you will have available. Changing from one plan to another one takes a couple of mouse-clicks and it won't involve any service interruption. Your web site databases, files and emails will share the total amount of space your server comes with, yet if you'd prefer to get preset allocations, you are able to select cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel throughout the ordering process. Both instruments will enable you to make website hosting accounts with limited disk storage and if needed, even to share out space from one account to a different one. Using the third option that you'll find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the space.

Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting

All our Linux dedicated web hosting have numerous HDDs in order to match the computing power that you'll get, so that you'll never have to be worried about not having enough hdd storage. The hard disks can be employed in RAID, meaning that one drive can be a mirror of another one so as to guarantee that your data will always be backed up, alternatively it can be used independently for even greater complete storage space. Many hundreds of gigabytes of hdd storage will be at your disposal all of the time, which means that you'll be able to run huge websites, upload large files or even duplicate your archive. Since a dedicated server is definitely the most powerful kind of hosting, you can upload/download files with very quick speeds. If required, we also give you the option to add more hard disks and utilize even further storage space for your data. We provide three hosting Control Panels with our dedicated servers - using Hepsia, all of your domains will share the full server space and will be managed from a single place, while with cPanel and DirectAdmin you'll have the alternative to set up separate website hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space quotas for every single domain name hosted on the server.