DomainKeys Identified Mail, or DKIM, is a system for confirming the authenticity of an email message by using an electronic signature. When DKIM is enabled for a certain domain, a public encryption key is published to the global DNS database and a private one is stored on the email server. When a new message is sent, a signature is issued using the private key and when the email message is delivered, the signature is validated by the incoming POP3/IMAP mail server using the public key. Thus, the receiver can easily discern if the email is legitimate or if the sender’s address has been spoofed. A mismatch will occur if the content of the email message has been changed on its way as well, so DKIM can also be used to ensure that the sent and the received messages are identical and that nothing has been attached or erased. This email validation system will increase your email safety, since you can confirm the genuineness of the important email messages that you receive and your colleagues can do the same with the emails that you send them. Depending on the particular mail service provider’s policies, an email that fails to pass the examination may be erased or may reach the recipient’s inbox with a warning notification.

DomainKeys Identified Mail in Shared Hosting

If you host a domain name in a shared hosting account with us, all the necessary records for using the DomainKeys Identified Mail functionality will be set up by default. This will happen the moment you add the domain in , as long as your domain also uses our NS resource records. A private key will be created on our email servers, whereas a public key will be sent to the global Domain Name System automatically by using the TXT resource record. Thus, you won’t need to do anything manually and you will be able to take full advantage of all the benefits of this email authentication system – your messages will reach any destination without being disallowed and no one will be able to send email messages forging your email addresses. The latter is truly important if the type of your Internet presence suggests sending periodic offers or newsletters via email to potential and current clients.

DomainKeys Identified Mail in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you opt for one of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting services that we offer, you will be able to use the DomainKeys Identified Mail protection service with any domain that you add to your brand new semi-dedicated account without any manual intervention, as our outstanding cloud platform will set up all the required records automatically, as long as the domain uses our name servers. The latter is required for a TXT resource record to be created for the domain, since this is how the public cryptographic key can become available in the global DNS system. The private key will also be added automatically to our email servers, so every time you send out a new email message, it will include our platform’s e-signature. The number of spam emails continues to increase every year and very frequently phony email addresses are used, but when you make use of our web hosting services, you and your customers or associates will not have to worry about that.