Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 1–hour Response Guarantee

  • Giving outstanding support in time is our top priority, so we support each Linux shared hosting plan with a 1–hour ticket solution guarantee. Once you post a ticket or post a message, our user tech support crew will try all they possible can to generate the most appropriate resolution for your issue and to give you information in a timely fashion.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–quality Support Service

  • Get in touch with us any time necessary. Our team of employees will undoubtedly be on the web for you 24x7x365 to reply to all of your questions and to fix any concern you will have. You can easily open a technical support ticket from your Web Control Panel or drop a message at any time. Furthermore, on business days, you are able to phone us or work with the live chatting alternative.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • We have integrated an in depth education base into the Control Panel so you’re able to get handy step–by–step instructions anytime. Each part of the Control Panel possesses its own contextual help area presenting a list of how–to posts. We have also organized video lessons to present you with a better visual representation of how to accomplish any given procedure.